Unigate World

What is UGT?      

2 Mins read

Unigate allows you to swap any asset on any supported chain (like Ethereum) for any other assets. How? By using UGT, which is the settlement token for all of Unigate’s liquidity pools. Therefore, all liquidity pools contain an external asset like “uETH” or “uUSDT” and Unigate Token.          

What is UGT?      

UGT is the utility token that is used to pay validators when they process inbound and outbound bridging or routing, it is used for farming, staking, and many other functions further described in this documentation.

How does Unigate DEX work?

Swaps between two external assets require two swaps against two liquidity pools. This means that people who perform a swap for two external assets, will be charged two swap fees. Traders can thus save on swap fees by denominating their holdings in Unigate as a sign of long term faith in the Unigate Project. The network aims to give users access to:          

·                 A large variety of assets through cross-chain compatibility and simple asset listing.

·                 Superior user experience through open finance protocols and permissionless access.

·   1-transaction access to fast chains (BinanceChain), smart chains (Ethereum), censorship-resistant chains (Bitcoin) and private chains (Monero).           

Prices on Unigate DEX  

As with any marketplace, the prices on Unigate DEX are typically maintained by profit-seeking traders who exploit arbitrage opportunities in markets. They buy assets on markets with low prices and sell them on markets with high prices, thus earning a profit. 

Traders compare the exchange rates on Unigate DEX with the rates on external markets. If they find the price is lower on Unigate they can buy here and sell on an external market. If they find the price is lower on external markets they can buy there and sell on Unigate DEX. This process is repeated at high-frequency. Over time, price information propagates and Unigate settles with external markets.

Why Swap?

Users can swap for any number of reasons. A few of these are listed below:


Users may want to switch between tokens that have different utility, for example, switching from a social token supporting their favorite artist to a decentralized finance (DeFi) token expected to accrue value to a stable coin used for fiat tax obligations.


Users may want to swap in order to take advantage of arbitrage opportunities.


Users may want to execute a momentum trading strategy based on their expectations about the future price of one or more tokens.


Users may want to diversify their portfolio to consist of multiple assets, thus reducing risk of loss.

Swap Fees

In order to pay Liquidity Providers for their contribution to the liquidity pool, swap fees are charged during the swapping process. Unigate uses a slip-based Continuous Liquidity Pool model to calculate trade slip, liquidity fee, and the resulting swap.

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